"How much easier his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from another species from another planet outside in the Universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries, and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this Earth together."
Ronald Reagan November, 1985. Comments about his personal talks just held with Mikhail Gorbachev.
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NKP, Breeze Denotsko
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Friday, April 6, 2007

Is Bush Giving Billions to Terrorists?

I would like to first express that I am not familiar with the topic of Arabic life and structure. Thus if you happen to read this and find errors or have answers please comment.

The Muslim religion is divided into sects, much like the christian church. The two sects of current concern are the Sunni, the majority, and the Shiite, the minority. The Shiite have been ruled by the Sunni in Iraq and Iran....everywhere?

Al-Qaeda is a Sunni organisation that may or may not be actively supported by pro-American Sunni Governments. But I must think most nations in the extended middle east region, (pro-American Gov. or not) are attempting to secure their position in the future that does not include western influence. That means keeping Al-Qaeda off their backs through concession or outright bribery. At current the region is starting to polarise further than ever before.

This may be the plan, seems empirical nations are served by creating conflict and instability in areas they desire control over. We force instability through our promotion of nationalism while creating new divisions amongst those we subjugate. We seem to force historic enemies into conflict through our redistribution of their power structures and indeed their nations borders.

Now Shiites are ruled by Sunnis and a civil war in Iraq threatens to spread throughout the region. This would upset the power structure in the mid-east. While in the short term this would be tragic, nations in chaos, rioting in the streets, sectarian violence and the like. In the long term it would leave a middle east free from the west. The US wants to avoid this.

To this end the Bush administration has begun to pump BILLIONS of dollars into Sunni countries in order to fight the growing Shiite uprisings. We are asking for no accounting of this money and how it is spent because we are asking them to use it for a counter-insurgency effort. Therefore no records will be kept. But wait... isn't Al-Qaeda Sunni?

So the USA gets caught up in a 'War on Terror' against Al-Qaeda (Sunni). Then Bush causes a civil war (Sunni vs Shiite) by attacking Iraq. To stop the unrest from spreading Bush gives billions to the Sunni, asking them to give it to organisations like Al-Qaeda.


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