"How much easier his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from another species from another planet outside in the Universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries, and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this Earth together."
Ronald Reagan November, 1985. Comments about his personal talks just held with Mikhail Gorbachev.
NOTE: NEW READERS may want to watch the video about globalization "The Pentagons New Map" by Thomas P.M. Barnett (found in the sidebar.)The actual written blog (title: Blog Writings) is further down on this page and will change as to reflect any selected item. Additional content is found in the sidebar on the right. Member of The Free State Project since June `o8.

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NKP, Breeze Denotsko
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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Human Extinction Through Ignorance

Geologic history proves climate change happens. The only dispute is how long the swings take once they have begun and why they are triggered. The 'how long' seems to be between 1 and 1000 years most events seem to be closer to the low end.

For instance an asteroid strike or a massive volcanic eruption (super volcano), like that in Yellowstone and 9 other locations worldwide, would result in immediate changes. The changes have lasted for up to a century in the previous worst case scenarios. Then there is the natural ice ages that occur.

These take much longer to unfold. The geological records show that a slow change in global temperatures leads to a snap and drastic changes in global climate. This is why all the theories that involve the disruption of the oceanic conveyor are being studied currently. It is in an attempt to understand how the snap from global warming to ice age happens.

That is what the whole hoo haa is about. Not that the globe will warm up and kill us. But geology would hint that the temperature will rise for a while and then drop off until an ice age is achieved. Why does the planet leave an ice age? The slow buildup of greenhouse gasses and the desalination of the ocean (would be very salty in an ice age)? Seems logical. If I stretch my imagination I can see an Ice age would cool earths outer crust and thus shrink it enough to constrict the core of the planet. This would result in a more compressed and thus hotter core. To release the pressure... volcanic activity and therefore more greenhouse gasses.

Back to volcanic events and pollution. Even though pollution has taken some 100 years to collect and a volcano is an instant effect, in geological terms they are almost the same. A hundred years in the 4 billion year history of things is small indeed. Yet Earth recovers from huge volcanoes within a several decades of their eruption.

Humans can not even hope to pollute as much as a volcano... even if we tried. The cows we breed are apparently putting out more greenhouse gasses than all of human industry is. Apparently the Earth fixes itself very quickly if it is out of balance, quick enough to repair anything we do.

I think we arrogant humans give ourselves to much credit. We think that we can change this planet by our actions. But lets put our egos in check for a moment and look at the raw powers that are running the living planet EARTH.

First, most all life on earth is fueled by the sun (directly or indirectly). But the sun is a long long LONG way away. We are but a speck of sand a half football field away from a basketball (maybe baseball... cant recall) sized sun. Yet enough light hits this little ball of dust to make the surface team with life. Think of all the space Earth does not occupy in space...and how much energy the sun is REALLY putting out. It is inconceivable. But lets turn inward.

Earth has a molten core. Heavier liquids settle to the bottom/center of gravity. Keep this in mind. In order to cause a nuclear reaction all one must do is put enough uranium in a pile and it happens. That is right, if you can find enough of this pure stuff and gather it together it WILL happen, no catalysts, just a chain reaction resulting in a meltdown. Back to the heavier liquids thing.

The molten core of earth acts as a giant filter. The heavier Uranium molecules will continually gather into areas of equilibrium until a nuclear reaction happens. This is happening all the time in earths core (A. Einsteins' theories say this is how space-time/gravity work.) if gravity does not peeter out as you get closer to the core...which it may (gravity is a push not a pull. Like a ball under water, not like Einstein theorised. In fact E=MC^2 is not mathematically sound and is likely just a publicity stunt. [A Blog I will soon do]) In that case the earth spin and chaos theory would say that uranium would be centrifuged into layers and spread evenly. What I am trying to say is that there is so much going on in the center of our planet that we don't know for sure if it is undergoing a continual nuclear reaction or not. In fact its, once again, an inconcievable uncalculable amount of energy.

As you can see the amount of energy that effects our planet from within, dwarfs the amount of sunlight energy that falls on it (responsible for the weather and all life), and even more so the human effects. This gives us some idea of the power of the current we may be fighting.

If we are to fall into a natural ice age, as it is time to, there is nothing we can do to change it. It has nothing to do with the atmosphere, due to our atmosphere is just a faint reflection of, and derived from, the internal workings of this planet. An ice age is a natural internal fluctuation of earth, and, like a heartbeat, to stop it could be devastating. Besides the amount of energy in a large volcanic eruption is so much more devastating that we humans are, yet, it is just a tiny pinhole vent, into the true power and forces at work within our planet. So the climate change is derived from an internal change in earths core and is a symptom of a far more unavoidable problem.

We are using the FEAR generated by the Global Warming scare, to fight greenhouse gasses, thus gambling the human race on the hope we can fix something that may not even be broke. And if it isn't broke, and is a natural cycle of the planet... we have no power to stop it. Our most powerful creation is a nuke. A nuke is, once again, just a few rocks from the planet we are trying to change. Shouldn't we be concentrating on getting off this planet? The history of the Earth shows one mass extinction after another.

We know for a fact that this planet changes. That it WILL change again. That our only real hope is to colonize the sea and space. And that if we stop its natural cycles, we are indeed asking for trouble. We don't know enough to know what to do. But one thing is for sure:


(please forward to Al Gore) :-)

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