"How much easier his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from another species from another planet outside in the Universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries, and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this Earth together."
Ronald Reagan November, 1985. Comments about his personal talks just held with Mikhail Gorbachev.
NOTE: NEW READERS may want to watch the video about globalization "The Pentagons New Map" by Thomas P.M. Barnett (found in the sidebar.)The actual written blog (title: Blog Writings) is further down on this page and will change as to reflect any selected item. Additional content is found in the sidebar on the right. Member of The Free State Project since June `o8.

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NKP, Breeze Denotsko
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Friday, March 30, 2007

Arrogance of Humans

It is common to give ourselves more importance than we deserve. To give our common everyday problems an undue weight on our consciousness and therefore an unreasonable sense of self-gratification upon accomplishment or alleviation of said problems. Further we value our own existence more than others. The only exception is when our conscious mind overrides our instinct. If it were any other way, and it likely was for pre-historic man, those species lacked a 'survival mechanism' and thus were eventually integrated or fell by the wayside of evolution. It can be argued that the very same can be said about those that did or dint posses a feeling of emptiness and curiosity (likely artifacts let over from our primate ancestry), the two things that lead to invention and spirituality. Maybe even lead the first apes from the trees and left their brethren behind.

There I go, using 'behind' to state that man now is in some way superior. Are we humans better than the apes because we have made more changes to our DNA? That just makes us more fortunate, but not better. We humans seem to think that because we are the only history keepers on the planet that we can destroy parts of it. From an off worlder point of view, that seems illogical at best... verging on insane.

The recent climate change issue has awoke many to the fact that we are a part of a living system, not the lords of it, not the reapers of Gods bounty. Seems a shame that our religious systems don't do much to connect us to earth but instead to God and heaven. Thus earthly existence is more tolerable. Good for the last 1800 years but we are big boys now and are able to wear big boy pants. With these new clothes comes new responsibilities.

This belief in our own self-importance is the root of our personal and global problems. In our personal lives we often overlook others needs, both inadvertently and purposefully, while dwelling in our own issues. Seems that those that like drama spread it through all means at hand. In fact this all boils down to.. many humans thrive on drama, which is simply a distorted view of their own self-worth.

We find self-importance when someone else is dominated by thoughts of us, good or bad. It makes one feel like they have worth. Like they have the ability to effect the people and things around them. And we do. But it is a human fallacy to behave like this. And it draws our attention away from the true issues of our time.

On a global scale, we disconnect with the ecosystem that birthed us in order to spread its pollen (plants came first and thus, are our ancestors, and likely those original animals that evolved so as to help the plants to flourish, thrived with them), to a point where, until recently, it was taboo to say we weren't just plopped here a few thousand years ago by a big man in the sky with a white beard and big muscles. Christians have believed for ever that this planet was theirs to use up. That God gave it to them/us to use as we see fit. And that they have no future here.

The Rapture will take them away and leave all of the rest of us to deal with an empty shell of an ecosystem. I got news for you Christian fundamentalists... God is caught up in a galactic confrontation and will be a bit late. So make due till he gets here. But he assures you that each insignificant human soul on this speck of dust in a blizzard of stars called the milky way, flying around a giant black hole with billions of other galaxies, ARE HIS FIRST PRIORITY. And further each one of us, through deeds and thought alone shall be granted eternal bliss in his ever glowing presence. Yup, we allow ourselves to believe we are that important to Mr Omnipotent.

Put your ego in check. Question beliefs. Be logical. Be spiritual. Get to "know" lesser life forms. Run from drama you cant avoid. Most of all the next time you crush out a roach or fly, think about life and death and how precious and amazing that creature must be to do so much that you can't do. Because with all we can do with all the advantages we have, all we have done is destroy and abuse the source of our evolution and existence. Then measure your worth on earth vs. the roach. Uh... be honest (its an ego thing).

A Black Hole in History

In the past couple of decades computers have become the main source of data storage. Not only for person information, but also our general ideas and thoughts get blogged instead of put into some notebook that may have some use to a future generation. The most valuable ancient texts we have today were written on sheep skins and have held up admirably against the years. These texts were so important not because they answered any questions but instead gave great insight into the way in which folks lived back in their time.

This 'information age' we all live in is based on non-independent technology. What I mean by that is ink, parchment and language/symbols are independent technologies. Once created they will last (if stored properly) virtually forever. Further, even if the "language" it was written originally dies out, future peoples can relearn it from just small portions of texts. Electronic data storage is dependant on electricity and sub-systems of proper circuitry and programing to access it. And even then, as we all know, data storage is at best shaky at this time. By no means are CD and DVD designed to last more than 20 years.

For instance I was listening to a podcast (Mysterious Universe, Mind Shots episode 15) it spoke of a University that had stored data on laser disks back in the 70's because they seemed to be the future of data storage. Twenty years later when the University needed to review some of this data there was no laser disk player to be found. They eventually solved their problem but that is just 20 years.

When the future looks back on this time there may be little to find out about how the individual lived their lives, what we thought about things and how we lived day to day in general.

Information storage is the only reason we are progressing as a civilization. Whether it is stories handed down around the camp fire teaching lessons of survival, or texts on how molecules react to different outside effects, it is all designed to help each individual assimilate information rapidly so we don't waste our lives doing what has been done before, but build on the already existing knowledge base.

I guess all I got here is this... Why don't we ask for more from our corporate masters. Some solid state data storage. Something that is permanent and independent of codes and computer language. Something on skins maybe...I could think of a few skins right off the top of my head that I would love to write history on. :-)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

How UFOs Will End War on Terror

During the second world war the technology of war increased from biplanes to nukes in 5 years. We used a few nukes at the end of the conflict (they didn't win the war... Japan was likely surrendering soon in any case. Our terror bombing of what is now Tokyo was more devastating than the nukes.) All that aside; those nukes scared the crap out of everyone on earth. In fact 60 years of peace... not open conflict... ensued. In that time our government has made no public advancement in tech.

Stealth design was tabled in WWII, but the RAM (radar absorbent material) was not invented yet along with the computer tech to fly such an unstable design. What are we not being told?

Well I don't know, but, I have seen:

The following occurred on Oct. 18, 2006, in Albuquerque, NM at 12:40AM. Seven small car sized objects in a wedge formation flew across the sky, under the low hanging clouds, silently. They took about 5 seconds to traverse from northern horizon to southern horizon. Shape of a hand garden spade and illuminated underside the same color as the orange clouds. Directly above the west side middle object broke formation and fell back and east to the rear of the center object in the wedge. Then returned to formation. This maneuver took less than a second. The formation quivered with the maneuver and was solid and unwavering before and after.

I feel they are ours, remote control and saying "Hi" to Kirtland AFB with the little fly over of over half the population of New Mexico.

(I only quote myself here because I wrote the above minutes after the event.)
Could our Military be in possession of some fantastic weapon? When one looks at how our president positioned us in a tumultuous region and then continually makes unrealistic demands of other nations and our troops, leads me to think he has an "ace up his sleeve." I know this is where I will part with anyone that may have accidentally started reading this...but I must write what I feel.

If one takes into account ALL the UFO reports from the beginning of recorded history, and does not think one single report is true, they are truly fooling themselves. Earth has assumedly been visited and crashed on. Humans have been backward engineering things successfully, as long as our technology can create the materials needed.

If we have found and taken apart an alien craft do you think we could backward engineer all materials needed to rebuild it for our own purposes in 60 years? I have no doubt (5 year from biplanes to nukes).

Further, is this future-tech so awesome that it will end war for another 50 years? Forever?
Are we using some of the "lost" money, earmarked for the war on terror, on a black project to use off world propulsion tech to create a massive ship (space or terrestrial). I pray it isn't a weapons platform, but one of exploration.

I digress...I will BLOG on Intergalactic Law at a different time. :-)

Outsourcing the War on Terror

So Vice President Cheney's' old company, Halliburton, is moving its HQ to Dubai. Aren't we all happy Dubai does not control our ports? But why would a mega multinational company working with our Government (LOGCAP) need to leave the USA? Doesn't our country have the best economy in the world for large corporations? To avoid prosecution by the next admin.? Leave the USA to protect our military? Or is it to prosecute the war on terrorism in a manner that is against US and international law, but does not apply to private organisations?

In 2001-2 Halliburton signed the LOGCAP deal with the US government. This contract gave them a supporting roll to all military operations, globally. Halliburtons ability to have prepositioned resources in all of its 120+ countries it works in made this a possibility. By 2004 over a quarter of our military support in Iraq was Halliburton. This contract also set a percentage of profit based on the expense of the job (the more they spend, the more the percent profit.) In the past few years we have seen the mercenary force in Iraq become the most well equipped and well trained (mostly ex-military) army in theater. What does it add up to?

To me it seems that this company has 'raped' our economy, from the inside, for the past 7 years and from lobbyist far longer. No company has profited greater or will profit more from the proliferation of the war on terror. And now they are moving to Dubai. This is very suspicious indeed.

Is Halliburton trying to avoid investigations that could destroy key members of our government? Or just getting closer to the "action"?

Halliburton is two companies now. It has a branch that deals primarily with mining (oil, natural gas, water, ect...) the other with infrastructure issues on a global scale. Prisons, schools, stadiums, pipelines anything real big or small...they can build. This second part of the company has the LOGCAP contract and the largest merc. force on earth.

It sounds to me that the USA is preparing to 'Outsource the War on Terror'. At the very least it is sending Dubai a company that the US has invested the future welfare and ability of our troops to wage war and come home safe. The roll of American Troop Support should not ever be in the hands of a foreign based organisation that we cannot prosecute or oversee in any way!

For the last few years the USA has become a "front" for the Hilliburton mega-corporation. This company embodies all the things that fuel global hate towards America and our policies of political manipulation through food and/or investments. The Terrorists war on American ideas is more precisely a war on Halliburtons policies of economic control of key locations that will be key to the proposed global power grid. (In the future moving the resources to make energy will cease. Instead resources will be processed into energy at the location of extraction and just the energy byproduct will be exported) The middle east will be a HUGE player in this market...standing on bunches of oil and between Africa and Europe, china and Russia. And Halliburton building and owning all the necessary infrastructure, would be a global economic power capable of controlling nations though economic manipulation.

Cheney has no progeny to leave his fortune to (gay daughter is not a source of great pride for him I'm sure). He isn't working for world peace or any other 'noble' causes. Seems he is working for Halliburton. He has been sick and wont be long on earth so don't think it is greed. I think Cheney was just the man with the vision for his Halliburton realizing the true power of a corporation. A company that has much more global power than most countries, and in fact, controls the infrastructure of many nations. But has no country. No laws to abide by. No way to destroy it.

Halliburton and Blackwater is a Global Economic Terror Organization. It has its own military (in Blackwater), has distanced itself from over site and more importantly has a plan. It was able to hijack the Republican party and the Pentagon and perpetuate fear to 300+ million people over the tragic death of 2500 on Sep. 11. (Not to belittle the 4 million less HUMANS in Iraq and Afghanistan than there would be if we never attacked, [from an episode of Real Time: whith Bill Maher...march 2007-ish])

To be short the ONLY groups benefiting from the war on terror are Halliburton...and certainly Al-Qaeda. Although, if our government can outsource the war on terror it sure would cut down on public anger. But what happens when the USA leaves and the most powerful force in region is a corporate mercenary organization?

Our troops should be supported by a company that must abide by American laws and over site. To allow Halliburton to maintain its LOGCAP contract and move to Dubai is irresponsible and unforgivable!
A matter of National Security!
commentary on similar causes of Halliburtons move... check out this BLOG by James Fish