"How much easier his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from another species from another planet outside in the Universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries, and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this Earth together."
Ronald Reagan November, 1985. Comments about his personal talks just held with Mikhail Gorbachev.
NOTE: NEW READERS may want to watch the video about globalization "The Pentagons New Map" by Thomas P.M. Barnett (found in the sidebar.)The actual written blog (title: Blog Writings) is further down on this page and will change as to reflect any selected item. Additional content is found in the sidebar on the right. Member of The Free State Project since June `o8.

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NKP, Breeze Denotsko
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Climate Change and Globalization are Linked

If the blame for the causes of climate change are purposefully being misrepresented to the people of the world (video link to "Global Warming Swindle" is in video section on right side of this page), to what end? By whom? Who would stand to gain from the restriction of industrialization of third world nations and the stagnation of the first worlds. The very people that own the oil.

Why would the corporations that make billions and billions of dollars want to cut global use of their product? Easy, Globalization. This G-20 (G-8 plus 12) think tank thing has a plan. Right now they are stirring up fear and change so that our R&D will go into developing electric vehicles that satisfy human needs. Because the future of energy IS oil (turned cleanly into "power")...and they are getting it all while devaluing it.

You see the future of energy trade will not involve the ridiculous pipelines and the shipping of tankers full of this stuff half way around the world. That is just plain expensive and it is way too dangerous for our environment. I see the future global energy supply consisting of the export and import of raw electricity/power.

Oil will be pumped to a local processing plant where it will be made into electric (or alternative) power and exported via a world wide power grid. This is why Halliburton is setting up shop in Dubai. It explains our propping up of Egypt's corrupt government and Israel, all these areas we need to put "The Grid" through to Africa.

We are stagnating smaller nations from industrialising so as to have better costumers when it comes time to let them have what we will not allow them to build or mine in their "sovereign" nations right now. This is part of the G-20 "rule set" to help usher in globalization. They need us to demand cheaper cleaner energy for all, and for the sake of the environment, stop shipping it all over and process it at the source into a clean export. Thus these lesser industrial nations will be forced to pay for something they could make on their own.

This "Global Power Grid" is why we find mega-corporations positioning themselves now so they will control the flow of juice to Europe, Africa and Asia out of the Middle-East. Our nation will uncap its wells and be a player in this hemispheres power grid to Canada and Mexico. We will use this new creation to put pressure on any nation attempting independence from "The Grid."

To be clear... I see life in nations that are a part of the Global Grid will be tremendously better than the lives of those without. The pressure for nations to join The Grid will be internal and irresistible.

I also see Globalization, as a whole, as a violent path to peace on Earth. As America we have a leading roll in facilitating the connectivity, and destruction, needed for success. But Globalization is run by unimaginably huge business that the US and its military are just pawns to be used in order to achieve a degree of control over nations via energy policy/"rule sets". After all our future is global security. It really is all the USA can offer to a global economy.

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